The practice of Mindfulness has been a big part of my life since my University days and a big component of Mindfulness is Meditation & Breathwork for the Body & Mind. I recently read and practiced breathing techniques shared by Jay Shetty in his book “Think Like A Monk” and I would like to share them with everyone. If you get the chance, pick up his book and you can learn more in depth. I do not get any benefit from promoting his book, I just enjoy sharing valuable information.
Breathwork Preparation:
– Find a comfortable position – sitting or lying down
– Close your eyes
– Lower your gaze
– Make yourself comfortable
– Roll back your shoulders
– Bring your awareness to
Calm, Balance, Ease, Stillness, Peace
– Now become aware of your normal breathing pattern and continue to breath in through your nose and out your mouth
– Lower your left ear to your left shoulder as you breathe in, and bring it back to the middle as you breathe out
– Lower your right ear to your right shoulder as you breathe in, and bring it back to the middle as you breathe out
– Really feel the breath, with no rush of force, at your own time
Breathe to calm and relax yourself
– Do this after you’ve done the breathwork preparation above
– Breathe in for a count of 4 through your nose in your own time at your own pace
– Hold for a count of 4
– Exhale for a count of 4 through your mouth
– Do this for a total of 10 breaths.
Breathe for energy and focus
– Do this after you have done the breathwork preparation above
– Breathe in for a count of 4 through your nose in your own time at your own pace
– Then exhale powerfully through your nose for less than a second
– Breathe in again for a count of 4 through your mouth
– Do this for a total of 10 breaths