For years now, every new year comes, I would say here are my new year resolutions and would list down a bunch of things I want to achieve such as I want to be fit; I want more money; I want my business to grow; I want more time but halfway through the year, I find I’m already behind. Are you the same?
How many people want to get healthier and fitter and hence they join the gym in January 1st and by March 1st cancel their membership? I was one of them.
The idea of being fit seemed exciting but when life gets in the way, things start to take the backburner. And I’m not alone in this, 90% of the world set out some random list of new year resolutions and by the end of the first quarter, many of us beat ourselves up for being behind on our goals and eventually giving it all up, especially personal goals as our career and other duties take over.
So in the last few years, since learning about how best to set the intention for the new year, I’ve created a new environment, a framework for me to succeed in and an overarching theme for me to focus on. Now if you’re new to this, I’ve had a great conversation with Dr.AnhLan the author of the Bestselling book “Living In Grace – Live Your Best Life Now”, you can watch us live through this link: https://fb.watch/34eIVj96-J/
Setting the intention prior to setting goals has made a huge difference in my life and I’m sure it will in yours. So instead of having a list of things you want to achieve, before that, think of how you see your life unfold in the new year and ask yourself the question “What needs to happen in order for me to be happy by the end of this year?” Sometimes the answer are quite simple like “I just need to stay healthy & stay alive” or perhaps “I need to find was to quit doing things I hate or I need my relationship with my partner to be re-ignited”. Then once you know your intention for the year, you can then set out the goals that will help you live out your intention & an actionable plan on how to achieve these goals.
Doing things in this order helps you find clarity and help you to have this umbrella that ties all your priorieties or goals for the year together.
This step will set you up to truly understand why you want to achieve the things you’ve listed as my goals or it even help you change your goals to realign with the life you want to live and the person you want to become.
Setting the intention became a way of setting the tone for the year so that we don’t just list out a wish list without truly knowing why it’s important for us to hit these goals.
Below are some questions that can help guide you in the activity of setting the intenion for a new year.
First take some time to ask yourself the following questions:
Who I am?
What do I see myself as?
What is the best version of me?
What would make this year the best year of my life? What need to happen in order for me to be happy by the end of this year?
How do I see my life at the end of the year?
If there’s one major area I want to focus on this year for my life, it would be?
Then find an accountability partner to work with you throughout the year to check in on your progress as this is a continuous journey of setting the intention, the vision, the goals and reflecting on your progress.
Hope you’ll take some time to set your intention for 2021 if you haven’t yet and look forward to seeing you grow and achieve everything you’ve set your heart, mind and soul on.
Happy 2021 once again my friend, and you got this, we got this, let’s do this! I’m always here to cheer you on if you ever feel like you need support. Connect with me on social media at @maithemindfulhustler